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Data Dissemination
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Dissemination of Reports and Data

Each year, new releases of reports are made available to Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) participating in the Health Outcomes Survey (HOS). For Cohorts 1-5 Baseline and Cohorts 1-2 Performance Measurement, hard copy reports were disseminated to MAOs via an overnight carrier. Effective Fall 2003, hard copy reports were no longer distributed to MAOs and all report distribution occurs electronically to participating MAOs through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Health Plan Management System (HPMS). Baseline, Performance Measurement, and HEDIS HOS Effectiveness of Care (HEDIS HOS) Reports, as well as Star Ratings Validation and Aggregate Score Analysis tables, are available via HPMS through the Quality and Performance/HOS module. Since 2021, the HEDIS HOS Reports include the HEDIS Effectiveness of Care measures that were previously found in the Baseline Report.

MAOs may contact their CMS Quality Point of Contact to obtain access to their HOS reports. An HPMS User ID is required to access HPMS. The CMS website provides information on how to establish access to HPMS: https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Computer-Data-and-Systems/HPMS/UserIDProcess.html. For assistance regarding HPMS access, please contact CMS via email at hpms_access@cms.hhs.gov. For earlier reports that were disseminated in hard copy format, electronic replacements can be ordered through the HOS Information and Technical Support email (hos@hsag.com). There is a modest replacement fee, which covers the cost of report reproduction. 

Each year, new releases of data are made available to MAOs. The HOS data are sent by electronic Secure File Transfer to the designated MAO recipient (one per company). Participating MAOs may obtain their data by contacting hos@hsag.com. The data recipient will receive an email from hosdata@hsag.com containing instructions and a link to the Secure File Manager facility. Clicking on the link will allow for creation of an account and password establishment. The data will be available to download at that time.

Note: For Cohorts 1-16 Baseline and Cohorts 1-13 Performance Measurement, the state-level reports and data were also distributed to participating Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) through the CMS QualityNet Application.

Complete information about the dissemination and availability of Medicare HOS reports and data to MAOs is available for each cohort below.

Medicare HOS Report and Data Distribution to MAOs

HOS Cohort Baseline Report Performance Measurement Report Performance Measurement Data
Cohort 1 May 1, 1999 Nov 30, 2001*,1 Dec 13, 2002,2
Cohort 2 Mar 1, 2000 Sep 23, 2002*,1 Dec 13, 2002,2
Cohort 3 Mar 30, 2001 Oct 1, 2003*,1 May 12, 2004,2
Cohort 4 Jun 5, 2002* Sep 27, 2004*,1 Nov 10, 2004,2
Cohort 5 Jun 26, 2003* Jul 20, 2005*,1 Sep 22, 2005,2
Cohort 6 Sep 27, 2004*,1 Jul 10, 2006*,1 Sep 22, 2006,2
Cohort 7 Jun 22,2005*,1 Aug 31, 2007*,1 Jan 10, 2008,2
Cohort 8 Jun 5, 2006*,1 Aug 6, 2008*,1 Dec 1, 2008,2
Cohort 9 Aug 31, 2007*,1 Sep 30, 2009*,1 Dec 4, 2009,2
Cohort 10 Jul 25, 2008*,1 Oct 1, 2010*,1 Nov 17, 2010,2
Cohort 11 Sep 30, 2009*,1 Aug 23, 2011*,1 Nov 4, 2011,2
Cohort 12 Oct 1, 2010*,1 Aug 10, 2012*,1 Nov 9, 2012,2
Cohort 13 Aug 23, 2011*,1 Jul 24, 2013*,1 Oct 25, 2013,2
Cohort 14 Aug 10, 2012*,1 Aug 1, 2014*,1 Nov 5, 2014,2
Cohort 15 Jul 24, 2013*,1 Jul 31, 2015*,1  Oct 30, 2015,2
Cohort 16 May 23, 2014*,1 Aug 1, 2016*,1  Oct 18, 2016,2
Cohort 17 May 19, 2015*,1 Aug 4, 2017*,1  Oct 20, 2017,2
Cohort 18 May 16, 2016*,1 Jul 31, 2018*,1 Oct 26, 2018,2
Cohort 19 Jun 1, 2017*,1 Aug 2, 2019*,1 Oct 25, 2019,2
Cohort 20 Jun 1, 2018*,1 Aug 3, 2020*,1 Aug 3, 2020,2
 Cohort 21 May 31, 2019*,1 Aug 5, 2021*,1,3 Aug 5, 2021,2
Cohort 22 May 29, 2020*,1   Aug 5, 2022*,1,3 Aug 5, 2022,2
Cohort 23
Nov 5, 2021*,1 Jul 31, 2023*,1,3 Aug 4, 2023,2
Cohort 24 Oct 28, 2022*,1 Aug 1, 2024*,1,3 Aug 1, 2024,2
Cohort 25 Oct 27, 2023*,1 Summer 2025 Summer 2025
Cohort 26 TBD TBD TBD

1 Baseline and Performance Measurement Reports made available electronically to MAOs via HPMS
2 MAOs notified of availability of data
HEDIS HOS Reports made available electronically to MAOs via HPMS
* MAO Reports and/or Access Information Available in HPMS


This page was last modified on 08/14/2024

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